Dorina Meneghini (ehemals Lenz)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Abteilung für Evolutionsgenetik
Tel: 0049 (0) 30 5168 - 340
Kurzer Lebenslauf
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics, and since 2010 I am working as a Bioinformatician. My professional bioinformatics career started at LGC Genomics GmbH in Berlin, and in 2013 I returned from the company to the academic science at IZW.
Bioinformatics data analysis of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data is the focus of my current position, including raw sequence data of various sequencers. I have broad experience in analysing HTS data, including the assembly of transcriptome and genome data, resequencing projects, and complex and customized downstream analyses.
Since my employment at LGC Genomics I was the replacement of the position of the system administrator, so I also gained knowledge in server administration and server backup. At IZW I am co-administrator of the FG2 Linux server, taking care of server maintenance tasks including performing data backups. I have experience with maintenance and further development of database applications: at LGC Genomics I was responsible for the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), including a MySQL database, and the company's web shop; at IZW I was responsible for the development of a new database on archival material, including data migration to a PostgreSQL database.
Currently I am involved and provide support in the field of sequence bioinformatics and software engineering.
bioinformatics analysis of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data
Weyrich A, Yasar S, Lenz D, Fickel J (2020): Tissuespecific epigenetic inheritance after paternal heat exposure in male wild guinea pigs. MAMM GENOME 31, 157–169. doi:10.1007/s00335-020-09832-6
Weyrich A, Lenz D, Fickel J (2019): Environmental change-dependent inherited epigenetic response. GENES 10, 4. doi:10.3390/genes10010004
Förster DW, Bull JK, Lenz D, Autenrieth M, Paijmans JLA, Kraus RHS, Nowak C, Bayerl H, Kuehn R, Saveljev AP, Sindičić M, Hofreiter M, Schmidt K, Fickel J (2018): Targeted resequencing of coding DNA sequences for SNP discovery in nonmodel species. MOL ECOL RESOUR 18, 1356–1373. doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12924
Lazarus DB, Renaudie J, Lenz D, Diver P, Klump J (2018): Raritas: A program for counting high diversity categorical data with highly unequal abundances. PEERJ 6, e5453. doi:10.7717/peerj.5453
Martins RF, Schmidt A, Lenz D, Wilting A, Fickel J (2018): Human-mediated introduction of introgressed deer across Wallace’s line: Historical biogeography of Rusa unicolor and R. timorensis. ECOL EVOL 8, 1465–1479. doi:10.1002/ece3.3754
Martins RF, Fickel J, Le M, Nguyen TV, Nguyen HM, Timmins R, Gan HM, Rovie-Ryan JJ, Lenz D, Förster DW, Wilting A (2017): Phylogeography of red muntjacs reveals three distinct mitochondrial lineages. BMC EVOL BIOL 17, 34. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-0888-0
Patel RP, Lenz D, Kitchener AC, Fickel J, Förster DW, Wilting A (2017): Threatened but understudied: supporting conservation by understanding the genetic structure of the flat-headed cat. CONSERV GENET 18, 1423–1433. doi:10.1007/s10592-017-0990-2
Patel RP, Wutke S, Lenz D, Mukherjee S, Ramakrishnan U, Veron G, Fickel J, Wilting A, Förster DW (2017): Genetic structure and phylogeography of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) inferred from mitochondrial genomes. J HERED 108, 349–360. doi:10.1093/jhered/esx017
Patel RP, Förster DW, Kitchener AC, Rayan MD, Mohamed SW, Werner L, Lenz D, Pfestorf H, Kramer-Schadt S, Radchuk V, Fickel J, Wilting A (2016): Two species of Southeast Asian cats in the genus Catopuma with diverging histories: An island endemic forest specialist and a widespread habitat generalist. R SOC OPEN SCI 3, 160350. doi:10.1098/rsos.160350
Lenz D, May P, Walther D (2011): Comparative analysis of miRNAs and their targets across four plant species. BMC RES NOTES 4:483. doi:10.1186/1756-0500-4-483
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 17. April 2021.