Dr. Julie Louvrier
Department of Ecological Dynamics
Tel: 0049 (0) 30 5168 - 722
E-Mail: louvrier@izw-berlin.de
Short curriculum vitae
- 2019: DAAD research fellow and PostDoc, Leibniz-IZW, Topic: Statistical modelling of urban species’ distribution
- 09/2016-12/2016: Research stay, modelling lynx distribution in Norway based on different data sources, NINA, Trondheim, Norway
- 06/2017: Research stay, a mechanistic-statistical species distribution model to explain and forecast wolf (Canis lupus) colonization in South-Easter France, INRA, Avignon, France
- 2015-2018: PhD, modelling of large carnivores’ distribution in Europe, Centre d’Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive, Montpellier, France
- 2015-2018: Teaching biology for undergraduate students, University of Nîmes, France
- 2014-2015: MSc Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, University of Montpellier, France. Thesis: “Bayesian inferences on wolves’ distribution dynamics in France by incorporating variability in sampling effort”
- 2014: Gap year internship; improving the sampling protocols and statistical niche modelling of two elusive plants Buxbaumia viridis and Trifoluim saxatile in the Parc National des Écrins (PNE), CEFE, Monptellier, France
- 2013-2014: Gap year internship; ants study as bio-indicator for Australian ecosystems following a grazing pressure gradient along a rainfall gradient, CSIRO, Darwin, Australia
- 2013: Undergraduate project; assessment of mortality and littering vegetation preferences of newborn fawns of white-tailed deer in northern Wisconsin, United States, University of Madison, Madison, United States
Research interests
- Species Distribution Models
- Bayesian inference
- Occupancy models
- Large carnivores
- Biology
Selected publications
Louvrier J, et al. (2019): Use of ambiguous detections to improve estimates from species distribution models. CONSerV BIOL 33, 185-195.
Louvrier J, et al. (2018): Accounting for misidentification and heterogeneity in occupancy studies using hidden Markov models. ECOL MODEL 387, 61-69. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.09.002.
Louvrier J, et al. (2018): Mapping and explaining wolf recolonization in France using dynamic site occupancy models and opportunistic data. ECOGRAPHY 41, 647-660. doi:10.1111/ecog.02874