Department of Evolutionary Genetics: Networks

On this page you will find our research associations and networks in which we are active.

GenoTropics is a group of scientists aiming to establish a network of collaboration for the study of adaptative genomics in neotropical species.


The Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv) is a central hub for scientists of the Berlin Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research (BBiB) who use genomics and bioinformatics to study the ecological and evolutionary processes shaping biodiversity.


IUCN Species Survival Commission Sturgeon Specialist Group provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge, tools and projects that enable societies, economies and nature to thrive together. These include data, assessments and analysis, trusted standards, neutral convening fora, and capacity-building resources.


The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) initiative is a pan-European scientific response to current threats to biodiversity. Reference genomes provide the most complete insight into the genetic basis that forms each species and represent a powerful resource in understanding how biodiversity functions. With approximately one fifth of the ~200,000 European species at risk of extinction, we need to act fast and together to generate high-quality complete genome resources in large scale.


The Data Zoo Gang (DZG) is a research group on wildlife quantitative biology from the Leibniz IZW headed by Alexandre Courtiol. It comprises of a small team of scientists with a slightly geeky data-driven take on wildlife and humans.