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Current press releases
Ancient DNA provides new insights into cave paintings of horses
An international team of researchers has used ancient DNA to shed new light on the realism of horses depicted in prehistoric cave paintings.

24 species of carnivores confirmed for Borneo
The first Borneo Carnivore Symposium (BCS) was concluded on a high note this week as worldwide experts determined species priorities for the Bornean nations of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Wildlife conservation in managed forests - International cooperation
On Monday, 7th February 2011, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the State Government of Sabah (Malaysia), represented by the Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) of Germany.

Germany supports Malaysia to prevent extinction crisis of Asian mammals
On Monday, 22nd November 2010, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), the Leipzig Zoo (LZ) and the State Government of Sabah, represented by the Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD), combining international expertise and resources in order to prevent further losses of biodiversity.

Super mum’s superconception
European brown hares can develop a second pregnancy whilst the previous litter is not delivered. This superconception increases their reproductive success.

High-born hyena sons benefit their entire life
High-ranking mothers provide their sons with a privileged upbringing and this increases their son’s success after leaving home. This was now demonstrated for the first time in a social mammal, the spotted hyena.

World’s most endangered otter “rediscovered” in Deramakot
The world’s most endangered otter species known as the hairy-nosed otter (Lutra sumatrana) has been “rediscovered” in Deramakot Forest Reserve in Sabah by a collaboration of German and Malaysian researchers.

Deadly bat fungus found in several European countries
Within five years the death toll of North American bats succumbing to “white-nose syndrome” has reached the one million threshold, now the causative fungus Geomyces destructans was identified in a number of European countries – without detrimental effects for the native bat populations.