Public events
Science for the public is a central issue for us. With a wide range of events and activities throughout the year, we bring our research topics closer to interested citizens. This may be through lectures at schools or other institutions, information stands at district festivals or Christmas markets, the Open Day or the Long Night of Science. The range of activities is diverse and reaches many people throughout the year. If you are interested in our research and our institution, attend one of the numerous events. Information when and where this is possible can be found in our calendar of events.
Open Day
Open the doors and walk in! This is what we offer every year as part of the “Long Day of Stadtnatur Berlin” to the public. On our Open Day, we give citizens the opportunity to experience our facility at first hand. Guided tours, lectures, information stands and numerous participatory activities provide a small insight into the variety of research topics in our institution.
Berlin Science Night
“The smartest night of the year in Berlin”: Around 60 scientific institutions have been presenting their research to the interested public with more than 2,000 events on this day since 2001. We participate annually with different join-in activities in order to provide insights into our diverse research topics.
Girls‘ Day
It's girls' future day. The Girls’ Day was created to give girls an insight into professional fields that are otherwise rarely considered by them. We take part in it every year and offer the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes to find out what kind of career opportunities exist in various fields at Leibniz-IZW.