Scientific Event Series
The Leibniz-IZW regularly organises international conferences, workshops, summer schools, seminars and other events for the national and international scientific community. Scientists, students and PhD students from all over the world meet at these events to present the latest research developments in behavioural biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, conservation, as well as zoo and wildlife medicine within an interdisciplinary context and/or to learn about new research methods and techniques.
The main series of large conferences hosted by the Leibniz-IZW are the “International Berlin Bat Meeting”, the “Meeting on Evidence-based Conservation in Bats”, the "International Bat Research Online Symposium" as well as the conference “Wildlife Research and Conservation” (successor of the "International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife"). Until 2019, the Leibniz-IZW also organised the “Zoo and Wildlife Health Conference”. This conference will be continued soon with a new concept.
To promote young scientists the IZW organises:
- IZW PhD Symposium
- International Summer School on Stable Isotopes in Animal Ecology
- Summer School on Non-invasive Monitoring of Hormones
On a regular basis, the institute also offers IZW seminars on current topics in zoo and wildlife research and nature conservation.
Upcoming events
1st International Summer Course on Stable Isotopes in Nature (9th - 13th September 2024, in Berlin, Germany)
Evidenzbasierter Fledermausschutz bei Windkraftvorhaben: Alte und neue Herausforderungen (in German, 15th October 2024, online)
Past events
Here you can access our event archive.
Josepha Prügel
Conference organisation & Leibniz-IZW Academy
Science Management
Tel: +49(0)30 5168-127
Layla Mpinou
Conference organisation & Leibniz-IZW Academy
Science Management
Tel: +49(0)30 5168-127
Stefanie Lenz
Assistant - Conference Organisation
Department Administration / Technical Services / Library
Tel: +49(0)30 5168-459
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