Technology transfer
Despite working in a field that is not particularly attractive for industry, we have identified opportunities for technology transfer in medical technologies, laboratory methods and diagnostics, statistics and computer programming, telemetry and automated recording of behaviour. In the last years we broadened our network with commercial partners to enhance collaborations in these fields.
Prominent examples are cooperations with Daimler on the effect of different automobile lighting systems on wildlife, with small and medium-sized enterprises to develop cryopreservation techniques for specific requirements, and the design of an animal trap with automated species recognition based on artificial intelligence. Since 2016, the Leibniz-IZW is a member of the DiagnosticNet Berlin-Brandenburg, a regional network for medical diagnostics with over 60 partners.
The Leibniz-IZW encourages its employees to consider patenting new technology developments and using them as a basis for founding spin-off companies.
Dr Kathleen Roellig
Phone: +49(0)30 5168122