Dr. Oliver Krone

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Abteilung für Wildtierkrankheiten
Kurzer Lebenslauf
- Wildtierkrankheiten
- Wildtiergesundheit
- Artenschutz
- Mensch-Wildtierkonflikte
Badry A, Schenke D, Treu G, Krone O (2021): Linking landscape composition and biological factors with exposure levels of rodenticides and agrochemicals in avian apex predators from Germany. ENVIRON RES 193, 110602. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2020.110602
Espín S, Andevski J, Duke G, Eulaers I, Gómez-Ramírez P, Hallgrimsson GT, Helander B, Herzke D, Jaspers VLB, Krone O, Lourenço R, María-Mojica P, Martínez-López E, Mateo R, Movalli P, Sánchez-Virosta P1, Shore RF, Sonne C, van den Brink NW, van Hattum B, Vrezec A, Wernham C, García-Fernández AJ (2021): A schematic sampling protocol for contaminant monitoring in raptors. AMBIO 50, 95–100. doi:10.1007/s13280-020-01341-9
Badry A, Krone O, Jaspers VLB, Mateo R, García-Fernández A, Leivits M, Shore RF (2020): Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: Identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 731, 139198. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139198
Feng S, Stiller J, Deng Y, Armstrong J, Fang Q, Reeve AH, Xie D, Chen G, Guo C, Faircloth BC, Petersen B, Wang Z, Zhou Q, Diekhans M, Chen W, Andreu-Sánchez S, Margaryan A, Howard JT, Parent C, Pacheco G, Sinding M-HS, Puetz L, Cavill E, Ribeiro ÂM, Eckhart L, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, Brumfield RT, Christidis L, Bertelsen MF, Sicheritz-Ponten T, Tietze DT, Robertson BC, Song G, Borgia G, Claramunt S, Lovette IJ, Cowen SJ, Njoroge P, Dumbacher JP, Ryder OA, Fuchs J, Bunce M, Burt DW, Cracraft J, Meng G, Hackett SJ, Ryan PG, Jønsson KA, Jamieson IG, da Fonseca RR, Braun EL, Houde P, Mirarab S, Suh A, Hansson B, Ponnikas S, Sigeman H, Stervander M, Frandsen PB, van der Zwan H, van der Sluis R, Visser C, Balakrishnan CN, Clark AG, Fitzpatrick JW, Bowman R, Chen N, Cloutier A, Sackton TB, Edwards SV, Foote DJ, Shakya SB, Sheldon FH, Vignal A, Soares AER, Shapiro B, González-Solís J, Ferrer-Obiol J, Rozas J, Riutort M, Tigano A, Friesen V, Dalén L, Urrutia AO, Székely T, Liu Y, Campana MG, Corvelo A, Fleischer RC, Rutherford KM, Gemmell NJ, Dussex N, Mouritsen H, Thiele N, Delmore K, Liedvogel M, Franke A, Hoeppner MP, Krone O, Fudickar AM, Milá B, Ketterson ED, Fidler AE, Friis G, Parody-Merino ÁM, Battley PF, Cox MP, Barroso Lima NC, Prosdocimi F, Lee Parchman T, Schlinger BA, Loiselle BA, Blake JG, Lim HC, Day LB, Fuxjager MJ, Baldwin MW, Braun MJ, Wirthlin M, Dikow RB, Ryder TB, Camenisch G, Keller LF, DaCosta JM, Hauber ME, Louder MIM, Witt CC, McGuire JA, Mudge J, Megna LC, Carling MD, Wang B, Taylor SA, Del-Rio G, Aleixo A, Ribeiro Vasconcelos AT, Mello CV, Weir JT, Haussler D, Li Q, Yang H, Wang J, Lei F, Rahbek C, Gilbert MTP, Graves GR, Jarvis ED, Paten B, Zhang G (2020): Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. NATURE 587, 252–257. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2873-9
Heuck C, Herrmann C, Wendt J, Krone O, Brandl R, Albrecht J (2020): Sex- but not age-biased wind turbine collision mortality in the white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla. J ORNITHOL 161, 753–757. doi:10.1007/s10336-020-01757-w
Jansen M, Engler M, Blumer M, Rumiz D, Aramayo JL, Krone O (2020): A camera trapping survey of mammals in the mixed landscape of Bolivia’s Chiquitano region with a special focus on the Jaguar. CHECK LIST 16, 323–335. doi:10.15560/16.2.323
Merling de Chapa M, Courtiol A, Engler M, Giese L, Rutz C, Lakermann M, Müskens G, van der Horst Y, Zollinger R, Wirth H, Kenntner N, Krüger O, Chakarov N, Müller A-K, Looft V, Grünkorn T, Hallau A, Altenkamp R, Krone O (2020): Phantom of the forest or successful citizen? Analysing how Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) cope with the urban environment. R SOC OPEN SCI 7, 201356. doi:10.1098/rsos.201356
Monclús L, Shore RF, Krone O (2020): Lead contamination in raptors in Europe: A systematic review and meta-analysis. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 748, 141437. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141437
Mosto MC, Picasso MBJ, Montes MM, Krone O (2020): Tail myology and flight behavior: Differences between caracaras, falcons and forest falcons (Aves, Falconiformes). ACTA ZOOL 101, 292–301. doi:10.1111/azo.12294
Krone O, Bailey LD, Jähnig S, Lauth T, Dehnhard M (2019): Monitoring corticoid metabolites in urine of white-tailed sea eagles: Negative effects of road proximity on breeding pairs. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 283: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygcen.2019.113223
Krone O, Kenntner N, Ebner N, Szentiks CA, Dänicke S (2019): Comparing erosion and organ accumulation rates of lead and alternative lead-free ammunition fed to captive domestic ducks" AMBIO 48: 1065-1071. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-019-01183-0.
Krone O (2018): Lead poisoning in birds of prey. (book chapter) In: Sarasola JH, Grande, JM and JJ Negro (eds.) Birds of prey: Biology and Conservation in the XXI century. Springer International Publishing, pp 251-272. ISBN 978-3-319-73744-7, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73745-4
Krone O, Treu G (2018): Movement Patterns of White-tailed Sea Eagles near Wind Turbines. Journal of Wildlife Management 82(7): 1367-1375; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21488
Prüter H, Franz M, Auls S, Czirják GA, Greben O, Greenwood AD, Lisitsyna O, Syrota Y, Sitko J, Krone O (2018): Chronic lead intoxication decreases intestinal helminth species richness in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). STOTEN 644, 151-160. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.297.
Lesniak I, HeckmannI, Franz M, Greenwood AD, Heitlinger E, HoferH, Krone O (2018) Recolonizing grey wolves increase parasite infection risk in their prey. Ecology and Evolution. 8(4): 2160–2170.
Lesniak I, Heckmann I, Heitlinger E, Szentiks CA, Nowak C, Harms V, Jarausch A, Reinhardt I, Kluth G, Hofer H, Krone O (2017) Population expansion and individual age affect endoparasite richness and diversity in a recolonising large carnivore population. Nature Scientific Reports/ 7:41730/ DOI: 10.1038/srep41730
Arnemo JM, Andersen O, Stokke S, Thomas VG, Krone O, Pain DJ, Mateo R (2016) Health and environmental risks from lead-based ammunition: Science Versus Socio-Politics. EcoHealth DOI: 10.1007/s10393-016-1177-x
Nadjafzadeh M, Hofer H, Krone O (2015) Lead exposure and food processing in white-tailed eagles and other scavengers: an experimental approach to simulate lead uptake at shot mammalian carcasses. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 61 (5): 763-774.
Van den Brand JMA, Krone O, Wolf PU, van de Bildt MWG, van AmerongenG, Osterhaus ADME, Kuiken T (2015) Host-specific exposure and fatal neurologic disease in wild raptors from highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 during the 2006 outbreak in Germany. Veterinary Research 46: 24.