Roshan Guharajan
Elsa-Neumann-Stipendiat, Doktorand, Feldkoordinator Sabah
Abteilung für Ökologische Dynamiken
Kurzer Lebenslauf
- 10/2016-present: Doktorand, Freie Universität Berlin & Leibniz-IZW
- 05/2016-09/2016: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Nachwuchsgruppe A. Wilting, Leibniz-IZW
- 2013-2016: MSc Wildtierökologie & Management, ‘University of Minnesota’, USA; Thesis: ‘Survival strategies of the sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) in the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo’
- 2007-2010: BSc Biologie, ‘Hardin Simmons University’, Abilene, Texas, USA
- Anti-Wildereistrategien im Naturschutz
- Schutz großer Säugetiere
Asad S, Abrams JF, Guharajan R, Lagan P, Kissing J, Sikui J, Wilting A, Rödel MO (2021): Amphibian responses to conventional and reduced impact logging. FOREST ECOL MANAG 484, 118949. doi:10.1016/J.foreco.2021.118949
Asad S, Abrams JF, Guharajan R, Sikui J, Wilting A, Rödel MO (2020): Stream amphibian detectability and habitat associations in a reduced impact logging concession in Malaysian Borneo. J HERPETOL 54, 385–392. doi:10.1670/19-136
Guharajan R, et al. (2018): Survival strategies of a frugivore, the sun bear, in a forest-oil palm landscape. BIODIVERS CONSERV 27(14), 3657–3677. doi:10.1177/1940082916683523
Guharajan R, et al. (2017): Does the Vulnerable sun bear Helarctos malayanus damage crops and threaten people in oil palm plantations? ORYX 53 (4), 611-619. doi:10.1017/S0030605317001089