Department of Evolutionary Genetics: Current Projects

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The origin of the last remaining wild horses

Przewalski’s horses are listed as last wild species of horses, but genome studies demonstrate that all remaining specimens of Przewalski’s horses are descendants of formerly domesticated animals.

Sun Bear Conservation Genetics and Genomics

Despite its vulnerable status in the IUCN Red List and serious conservation concerns, the sun bear Helarctos malayanus remains the least studied bear species. In this project, we use a range of genetic and genomic approaches to support on-going conservation efforts with new molecular tools.

Comparative environmental epigenomics in wildlife

Epigenetic changes function as flexible mechanisms to increase a species' adaptability to environmental changes, but past studies have focused mostly on maternal effects. Here we study parental transmitted epigenetic responses and ask also if different environmental changes invoke different or similar responses.

Sloths Evolution, Speciation and Conservation

We aim to investigate the evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships within the two only extant sloth genera - Choloerpus and Bradypus - and how they correlate to the history and biogeography of the Neotropics. (© Photo: Jean Paul Montanaro)

Novel computational methods in wildlife research

Many of our research projects require new computational methods for processing and evaluating the data obtained. We develop these analysis tools either ourselves or in cooperation with partners, and also make them available to third parties.

Understanding demographic and genetic change in a recovering population through simulation modelling

The 27+ year study of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, provides us with a unique opportunity to study the causes and consequences of demographic changes, genetics changes, and their interplay in a wild recovering population of a group-living mammal. To achieve this goal, we tailored an individual based simulation model (aka SHIM) to study a wide range of questions, covering both basic research as well as questions that have practical implications for conservation.

Two-toed sloth (Choloepus ssp.) ex-situ population genomic-informed management

This project focuses on the ex-situ population of two-toed sloths (Choloepus didactylus and Choloepus hoffmani) found in Europe's zoos, comprising nearly 300 individuals. Recent genomic data identified at least four distinct wild lineages within the Choloepus genus, requiring a reassessment of breeding practices. The project aims to analyse the population genomics of the captive population and provide recommendations to optimise genetic diversity, ensuring its long-term sustainability. (© Photo: T6 Adventures, Pexels)

Anatolian Lynx Project (currently on hold)

Inferences from populations studied elsewhere might prove to be misleading for conservation of locally adapted populations. Our research has proved that Eurasian lynx populations living in Anatolian Turkey display a special foraging ecology, and morphological and behavioural adjustments meeting expectations of a lagomorph specialist meso-carnivore, living at high density and genetically diverse populations. This project aims to form an extensive baseline for conservation of this unique lynx population and create a model for conservation of other carnivore species in Turkey.

Genetic monitoring of threatened European carnivores

By developing SNP marker systems to genetically monitor European carnivores, we provide tools to understand how these elusive species co-exist with humans and recolonize densely populated areas with intensive land-use. In this network project, research at the IZW focused on the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and the Eurasian brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos).

Powering endurance: Fuel selection in migratory bats

This project aims to understand how migratory bats, specifically Pipistrellus nathusii, sustain long-distance migrations by investigating whether they metabolize fat reserves like birds or refuel during the journey. Using genomic and transcriptomic comparisons with non-migratory bats, terrestrial mammals, and migratory birds, the study will identify genes involved in metabolism, focusing on lipogenesis and glycogenesis during endurance activities. (© Photo: Maximilian Ruther, Pexels)

Phylogeographic delineation and adaptive genomics of Tamandua tetradactyla

This project aims to assess the genetic diversity and geographic structuring of Tamandua tetradactyla, a species with a broad range across South America. Using genome sequencing and SNP analysis, it seeks to clarify species delimitation, identify candidate genes linked to adaptation, and address conservation concerns. (© Photo: Marcelo Amantino, Pexels)

Forest elephant conservation in Liberia

The forest elephant population (Loxodonta cyclotis) of Central Africa has declined by more than half in the last two decades. Information on population sizes in West Africa is completely missing. In close cooperation with ElReCo and Future for Elephants, we are therefore using genetic markers to investigate size, structure and sex composition of forest elephant populations in Liberia in order to support conservation measures for these endangered giants.

Wild boar in urban space
(currently on hold)

Wild boar have already established stable populations in many European cities. Effective and efficient population management is needed to avoid human-wildlife conflicts. For its implementation, it has to be clarified whether these urban populations are self-sustaining or require a constant influx of animals from surrounding areas (source-sink dynamics). We are investigating this in two European cities, namely Berlin and with our collaborative partner Wildlife Ecology & Health in Barcelona.


Biodiversity Genomics Europe

The EU-funded Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project aims to accelerate the use of genomic science for understanding and monitoring biodiversity, as well as addressing its decline. With 33 partners across 20 countries, BGE focuses on large-scale DNA barcoding and genome sequencing efforts, establishing networks to expand genomic tools for biodiversity research. The project seeks to improve biodiversity characterization, biomonitoring, and the effectiveness of conservation interventions across Europe. (© Photo: Carel Voorhorst, Pexels)


Evolution in Wild Populations: Determinants of Fitness and Environmental Change Responses of Spotted Hyenas

This project combines genomic data with phenotypic, health, and life-history information from a large semi-captive population of Asian elephants in Myanmar to address key questions in biology, disease, and conservation. By generating crucial genomic resources, including the first reference genome for the species, the research will contribute to the conservation of this endangered species. (© Photo: Lori Glaholm Heron, Pexels)



Collomic: Accessing Museum Samples for Long Read Sequencing

This project aims to leverage museum collections, which contain millions of historical samples, to assemble high-quality genomes using accurate long reads sequencing technologies. (© Photo: Hannes Grobe, Pexels)



Genotropics: Adaptive Genomics for Neotropical species

Genotropics is a Brazilian-German consortium focused on applying genomic approaches to Neotropical species. Supported by the CAPES-DAAD PPP International / Probal program (2023-2026), the consortium aims to foster expertise through training, knowledge exchange, and collaborative projects to study the genetic basis of adaptive traits driving species diversification. (© Photo: Christopher Borges, Pexels)


Population and functional Genomics of the semi-captive Asian Elephants in Myanmar

This project combines genomic data with phenotypic, health, and life-history information from a large semi-captive population of Asian elephants in Myanmar to address key questions in biology, disease, and conservation. By generating crucial genomic resources, including the first reference genome for the species, the research will contribute to the conservation of this endangered species. (© Photo: Virpi Lummaa)

Sea turtles Genome

Genetic tools provide a path for understanding key gaps in sea turtle conservation biology​. Yet reference genomes are available for just two of the seven sea turtle species. This project will build high quality, annotated reference genomes for the five remaining sea turtle species to inform strategies for population recovery and resilience. (© Photo: Belle Co, Pexels)