Department of Reproduction Management
Research and development for new reproduction technologies for conservation
The Department of Reproduction Management investigates reproductive strategies and human-induced reproductive disorders in free-living and captive non-domestic animals. By intensive use of imaging techniques and further development of assisted reproduction technologies and stem cell-associated techniques, we develop new species conservation strategies. Our research activities also include ethical and animal welfare aspects. Our department is responsible for the observance of "good veterinary practice" in all animal experiments at the Leibniz-IZW. Furthermore, we offer research-associated veterinary support for zoos, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centres. >> More information
Selected projects of the department
BioRescue – Advanced reproductive technologies for saving critically endangered mammals like the northern white rhinocerosOnly two Northern white rhinos are left in the world, both are females. Can we still save these animals from extinction? Together with international partners from science and conservation the BioRescue consortium aims at making the seemingly impossible a reality by developing advanced methods of assisted reproduction (aART) and stem cell associated techniques (SCAT). |
The naked mole rat – An alternative model species for biomedical ageing researchNaked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) are hardly mentioned in the list of the most beautiful animals. Nevertheless, they have an extraordinary reproductive system, are resistant to cancer and oxygen deprivation and (healthyly) grow astonishingly old, considering their small body size. What mechanisms underly these enviable skills? |
Strengthening scientific approaches in wildlife welfareWith its expertise in animal welfare, the Leibniz-IZW contributes to an appropriate management of animals in human care and significantly improves science-based approaches and methods for it. |
Translational research for developing assisted reproduction technologies for endangered mammalsThe EUROVA consortium aims at developing new techniques and methods for in vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and in vitro culture (IVC) of embryos. These may be used to advance new conservation tools for highly endangered mammals, such as the endangered rhinoceros family. |