Dr. Jella Wauters


Department of Reproduction Biology

External position: Post-doctoral researcher Ghent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Tel: 0049 (0) 30 5168 - 615

Short curriculum vitae

Since February 2019 Jella Wauters holds the position of wildlife endocrinologist in the department of reproduction biology. Her main research interest is giant panda reproductive physiology. In addition she contributes to many IZW projects with her expertise in monitoring of reproduction and animal welfare.

Research interests
  • Pathway unraveling of the reproductive biology of threatened species to better support their conservation programs (e.g. the giant panda)
  • Reproductive monitoring of threatened species as a preparation for ART
  • Biomarker identification for oestrus/pregnancy assisted by metabolomics (based on state-of-the-art hyphenated LC-MS techniques)
Selected publications
  1. Huijsmans TERG, Van Soom A, Smits K, Wauters J, Hildebrandt T (2024). Elephant gestation: insights into idiopathic abortions and stillbirth. ZOO BIOLOGY. https://doi.org/10.1002/zoo.21867.
  2. Huijsmans TERG, Van Soom A, Smits K, Wauters J, Hildebrandt T (2024). Review: the role of prolactin in the maternal investment-survival balance. THERIOGENOLOGY WILD 5, 100109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.therwi.2024.100109.
  3. Afonso BC, Rosalino LM, Henriques J, Tinoco Torres R, Wauters J, Carvalho J (2024): The effects of wild ungulates on small mammals: a systematic review and metaanalysis. MAMMAL REV 54, 121–132. doi:10.1111/mam.12331.
  4. Cools T, Wilson KS, Li D, Vancsok C, Mulot B, Leclerc A, Kok J, Haapakoski M, Bertelsen MF, Ochs A, Girling SJ, Zhou Y, Li R, Vanhaecke L, Wauters J (2024): Development and validation of a versatile noninvasive urinary steroidomics method for wildlife biomonitoring. TALANTA 273, 125924. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2024.125924.
  5. Huijsmans TERG, Courtiol A, Van Soom A, Smits K, Rousset F, Wauters J, Hildebrandt TB (2024): Quantifying maternal investment in mammals using allometry. COMMUN BIOL 7, 475. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06165-x.
  6. Ghosal R, Edwards KL, Chiarelli TL, Fanson KV, Ganswindt A, Keeley T, Koester DC, Roberts B, Majelantle TL, Wauters J, NewellFugate AE (2023): Biomarkers of reproductive health in wildlife and techniques for their assessment. THERIOGENOLOGY WILD 3, 100052. doi:10.1016/j.therwi.2023.100052.
  7. Wauters J, Wilson KS, Cools T, Vancsok C, Bouts T, Mulot B, Leclerc A, Haapakoski M, Kok J, Kühne R, Ochs A, Duncan WC, Girling SJ, Hildebrandt TB, Zhou Q, Li R, Zhou Y, Cai K, Liu Y, Hou R, Rae M, Valentine I, Vanhaecke L, Li D (2023): Pregnancy length and health in giant pandas: What can metabolic and urinary endocrine markers unveil? THERIOGENOLOGY WILD 3, 100063. doi:10.1016/j.therwi.2023.100063.
  8. Dheer A, Davidian E, Courtiol A, Bailey LD, Wauters J, Naman P, Shayo V, Höner OP (2022): Diurnal pastoralism does not reduce juvenile recruitment nor elevate allostatic load in spotted hyenas. J ANIM ECOL 91, 2289–2300. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.13812.
  9. Wilson KS, Li D, Valentine I, McNeilly A, Girling S, Li R, Zhou Y, Vanhaecke L, Colin Duncan W, Wauters J (2022): The novel use of urinary androgens to optimize detection of the fertile window in giant pandas. REPROD FERTILITY 3, 122–132. doi:10.1530/RAF-22-0031.
  10. Azevedo A, Bailey L, Bandeira V, Fonseca C, Wauters J, Jewgenow K (2021): Decreasing glucocorticoid levels toward the expansion front suggest ongoing expansion in a terrestrial mammal. CONSERV PHYSIOL 9, coab050. doi:10.1093/conphys/coab050.
  11. Jenikejew J, Wauters J, Dehnhard M, Scheumann M (2021): The female effect – how female receptivity influences faecal testosterone metabolite levels, sociopositive behaviour and vocalization in male southern white rhinoceroses. CONSERV PHYSIOL 9, coab026. doi:10.1093/conphys/coab026.
  12. Azevedo A, Wauters J, Kirschbaum C, Serra R, Rivas A, Jewgenow K (2020): Sex steroids and glucocorticoid ratios in Iberian lynx hair. CONSERV PHYSIOL 8, coaa075. doi:10.1093/conphys/coaa075.
  13. Wilson KS, Wauters J, Valentine I, McNeilly A, Girling S, Li R, Li D, Zhang H, Rae MT, Howie F, Andrew R, Duncan WC (2019): Urinary estrogens as a non-invasive biomarker of viable pregnancy in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). SCI REP 9, 12772. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-49288-6.