Genotropics: Adaptive Genomics for Neotropical species

Genotropics is a Brazilian-German consortium focused on applying genomic approaches to Neotropical species. Supported by the CAPES-DAAD PPP International/Probal program (2023-2026), the consortium aims to foster expertise through training, knowledge exchange, and collaborative projects to study the genetic basis of adaptive traits driving species diversification.
Project details
Duration: 2023 - present
Third-party funded: yes
Involved Department(s): Dept. of Evolutionary Genetics
Leibniz-IZW Project Leader(s): Camila Mazzoni
Leibniz-IZW Project Team:

Camila Mazzoni, Larissa Arantes (Dept. of Evolutionary Genetics)

Consortium Partner(s):


Current Funding Organisation: DAAD, CAPES
Research Foci: Understanding traits and evolutionary adaptations
Genotropics ( is a bi-national Brazilian-German Consortium of experts in Genomic approaches to Neotropical species. Our goal is to establish a Consortium of experts to apply Genomic approaches to Neotropical species through training, knowledge transfer and joint analyses of several ongoing and new sub-projects focused on the genetic basis of adaptive traits favouring species diversification. The establishment of the consortium was funded by the PPP International / Probal CAPES-DAAD program, for 4 years (2023-2026).