Dr. Shannon Currie

Postdoctoral researcher

Department of Evolutionary Ecology

Tel: 0049 (0) 30 5168 467
E-Mail: currie@izw-berlin.de

Short curriculum vitae

Dr Currie completed her Bachelor’s (Hons) degree in Zoology at the University of Western Australia in 2009. She then undertook an internship at Oxford University before returning to Australia to begin her PhD at the University of New England with Prof. Fritz Geiser. Following completion of her doctoral degree in 2015, for which she was awarded the Chancellor’s Research Medal, Dr Currie joined the lab of Dr Yossi Yovel at Tel Aviv University as a postdoctoral fellow. In 2017 she was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship to further her study of the cardiac physiology of bats at the Leibniz IZW with PD Dr Christian Voigt. Dr Currie continues to work within the Voigt batlab as a postdoctoral fellow and contributes to teaching Behavioural Ecology and Biology of Bats courses at the Freie Universitat Berlin. 

Research interests
  • Cardiac Physiology
  • Thermal Energetics
  • Flight Metabolism
  • Hibernation Physiology
  • Ecophysiology
Selected publications

Geiser F, Bondarenco A, Currie SE, Doty A, Körtner G, Law B, Pavey C, Riek A, Stawski C, Turbill C, Willis C, Brigham M (in press): Hibernation and daily torpor in Australian and New Zealand bats: Does the climate zone matter? AUST J ZOOL. doi:10.1071/ZO20025

Currie SE, Boonman A, Troxell S, Yovel Y, Voigt CC (2020): Echolocation at high intensity imposes metabolic costs on flying bats. NAT ECOL EVOL 4, 1174–1177. doi:10.1038/s41559-020-1249-8

Hume T, Geiser F, Currie SE, Körtner G, Stawski C (2020): Responding to the weather: Energy budgeting by a small mammal in the wild. CURR ZOOL 66, 15–20. doi:10.1093/cz/zoz023

Currie SE, Fasel NJ, Mène-Saffrané L (2019): Valuable carcasses: postmortem preservation of fatty acid composition in heart tissue. Cons Physiol 7.

Voigt CC, Rosner E, Guglielmo CG, Currie SE (2019): Fatty acid profiles of the European migratory common noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). Sci. Nat. 106, 33.

Voigt CC, Currie SE, Fritze M, Roeleke M, Lindecke O (2018): Conservation Strategies for Bats Flying at High Altitudes. BioScience 68, 427-435.

Currie SE (2018): No effect of season on the electrocardiogram of long eared bat (Nyctophilus gouldi) during torpor. J Comp Physiol B.