Dr. Shannon Currie
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Abteilung für Evolutionäre Ökologie
Kurzer Lebenslauf
- Cardiac Physiology
- Thermal Energetics
- Flight Metabolism
- Hibernation Physiology
- Ecophysiology
Geiser F, Bondarenco A, Currie SE, Doty A, Körtner G, Law B, Pavey C, Riek A, Stawski C, Turbill C, Willis C, Brigham M (im Druck): Hibernation and daily torpor in Australian and New Zealand bats: Does the climate zone matter? AUST J ZOOL. doi:10.1071/ZO20025
Currie SE, Boonman A, Troxell S, Yovel Y, Voigt CC (2020): Echolocation at high intensity imposes metabolic costs on flying bats. NAT ECOL EVOL 4, 1174–1177. doi:10.1038/s41559-020-1249-8
Hume T, Geiser F, Currie SE, Körtner G, Stawski C (2020): Responding to the weather: Energy budgeting by a small mammal in the wild. CURR ZOOL 66, 15–20. doi:10.1093/cz/zoz023
Currie SE, Fasel NJ, Mène-Saffrané L (2019): Valuable carcasses: postmortem preservation of fatty acid composition in heart tissue. Cons Physiol 7.
Voigt CC, Rosner E, Guglielmo CG, Currie SE (2019): Fatty acid profiles of the European migratory common noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). Sci. Nat. 106, 33.
Voigt CC, Currie SE, Fritze M, Roeleke M, Lindecke O (2018): Conservation Strategies for Bats Flying at High Altitudes. BioScience 68, 427-435.
Currie SE (2018): No effect of season on the electrocardiogram of long eared bat (Nyctophilus gouldi) during torpor. J Comp Physiol B.