The Leibniz-IZW is an internationally renowned German research institute. It is part of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. and a member of the Leibniz Association. Our goal is to understand the adaptability of wildlife in the context of global change and to contribute to the enhancement of the survival of viable wildlife populations. For this purpose, we investigate the diversity of life histories, the mechanisms of evolutionary adaptations and their limits, including diseases, as well as the interrelations of wildlife with their environment and people. We use expertise from biology and veterinary medicine in an interdisciplinary approach to conduct fundamental and applied research – from the molecular to the landscape level – in close dialogue with the public and stakeholders. Additionally, we are committed to unique and high-quality services for the scientific community.
+++ Current information on African swine fever: The Leibniz-IZW conducts research on the population dynamics, on models of disease outbreaks in wild boars and on the ecology and human-wildlife interaction in urban areas. African swine fever is a reportable disease in domestic swine and therefor is the purview of the respective federal state laboratories and the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (Federal Research Institute for Animal Health) FLI. +++

Infections with parasites affect the local flight behaviour of swallows
Swallows infected with parasites move less and in smaller ranges than healthy ones – with detrimental effects on their foraging success and their survival. As a result, infected individuals foraged in less productive areas, such as cultivated farmland, clearly avoided by their healthy conspecifics. Although infected swallows show no externally recognisable signs of infection, scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) and the University of Potsdam now demonstrate the negative effects of these infections using the high-resolution tracking system ATLAS. This system records precise position data of swallows at intervals of one second using ultra-light transmitters. The results were published in the journal “Communications Biology”.
Read more … Infections with parasites affect the local flight behaviour of swallows

High survival rates explain 20 years of rapid expansion of wolves in Germany
Since wolves returned to Germany 20 years ago, they have spread quickly in many parts of the country. The rapid increase in the number of wolves was due to high survival and reproduction rates in areas with favourable environmental conditions. This is the result of an analysis carried out by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) in collaboration with the LUPUS Institute, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), and the Senckenberg Center for Wildlife Genetics. The probability of survival for wolves during the period analysed was higher than anywhere else in the world. However, the expansion phase will end as soon as the carrying capacity of suitable German landscapes are reached – at which point survival rates can be expected to fall, according to the scientific team in a new paper in the scientific journal “Wildlife Biology”.
Read more … High survival rates explain 20 years of rapid expansion of wolves in Germany

From Northern Germany to Italy in five days: tiny transmitters provide the first insights into the precise migration routes of bats
Some bat species are among the world champions of seasonal migration in the animal kingdom. Leisler’s bat, for example, which weighs between 12 and 22 grams, flies from central or Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean every late summer – and back in spring. Until now, it has only been possible to trace these approximately 1,500-kilometre routes on the basis of sporadic findings of ringed individuals. A scientific team from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) has now equipped Leisler’s bats with tiny transmitters as part of a larger investigation and reconstructed in detail a recent flight of a female from Brandenburg in north-eastern Germany to Italy – the route to her wintering grounds led via Munich, the Alps and Milan to Parma.

Predicting river flow dynamics using stable isotopes for improved ecosystem health
An international science team has made significant strides in understanding river flow dynamics. Scientific findings leveraged isotope hydrology techniques such as measuring stable isotopes in water molecules to elucidate the contributions of various water sources to river flow, offering critical insights for ecosystem management and hydrological risk assessment. This latest research is published in the prestigious journal Nature Water and is a collaboration of scientists from the German Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, the Federal Institute of Hydrology, Germany, and Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
Read more … Predicting river flow dynamics using stable isotopes for improved ecosystem health

Scientists from 33 European countries join forces to generate reference genomes for the continent's rich biological diversity
The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) pilot project reports its success in uniting scientists from across Europe to produce high-quality reference genomes for 98 species. This marks a significant milestone in the quest to create a high-quality reference genome database for all European animals, plants and fungi. The pilot project was co-initiated in 2021 by the then ERGA chair Dr Camila Mazzoni from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) with input from the entire community. This continental effort sets the stage for a new, inclusive and equitable model for biodiversity genomics, as reported in a research article published today in the journal “npj Biodiversity”.

The ethics of biobanking for conservation: BioRescue adjusts ethical assessment tool for the use of genome research banks
In the face of the global biodiversity crisis, more and more biobanks are being set up to safeguard and potentially restore genetic diversity. Preserved tissue or cells allow scientists and conservationists to overcome spatial and even temporal fragmentations of dwindling wildlife populations and employ assisted reproduction technologies – as long as biobanks can be used in a safe and ethically appropriate manner. In a new scientific paper in the journal “Cryobiology”, the BioRescue team systematically evaluates these ethical considerations related to, among others, animal welfare, sample ownership and good scientific practice. The team also presents a modification of its “ETHAS” tool as a clear, easy-to-adopt and standardised technique for a structured and organised ethical assessment and decision making in the context of biobanking.

Systematic monitoring: Leibniz-IZW carries out 1000th wolf autopsy since the species’ comeback to Germany
At the turn of the millennium, grey wolves returned to Germany after 150 years and subsequently established territories in many parts of the country. But coexistence harbours challenges – for both humans and animals. Since 2006, almost all grey wolves found dead in Germany have been examined at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) in order to assess their health status and determine the cause(s) of death. Recently, the 1000th wolf lay on the dissecting table at the Leibniz-IZW. The female animal died as a result of a road accident – by far the most common unnatural cause of death for grey wolves in Germany. The case speaks volumes about the successful but challenging return of grey wolves.

Tierpark Berlin establishes research station for international species conservation program BioRescue
Press release of the Tierpark Berlin - The Northern White Rhinoceros is on the brink of extinction; only two females remain, living in a nature reserve in Kenya. Without collaborative action, this rhinoceros species, once native to Central Africa, will disappear from the Earth forever. Although the extinction of this subspecies of the White Rhinoceros seems inevitable, researchers from the international BioRescue team, led by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW), Germany, and coordinated by ZOO Dvůr Králové, Czech Republic, are working on developing and utilizing new methods of vital reproduction for wildlife to save these ecologically valuable giants from complete extinction. Tierpark Berlin will now cooperate with these scientists to implement a crucial step in the project, which will hopefully result in one of the first calves of this endangered species.