Badru Mugerwa


Abteilung für Ökologische Dynamiken


Tel: 0049 (0) 30 5168 - 335

Kurzer Lebenslauf

10/2019-heute: DAAD Stipendiat & Doktorand, Technische Universität Berlin & Leibniz-IZW; Thesis: ‘A pan tropical assessment of the impacts of habitat degradation on tropical forest terrestrial mammals’
06/2019-09/2019: DAAD Stipendiat, Goethe Institut, Göttigen
04/2019-05/2019: DAAD Stipendiat, Goethe Institut, Nairobi, Kenia
04/2018-03/2019: freischaffender Gutachter Biodiversität, Kampala, Uganda
01/2016-04/2018: MSc Biologie (Wildtierökologie), ‘University of Western Ontario’, Ontario, Kanada
02/2014-09/2014: ‘Postgraduate Diploma (International Wildlife Conservation Practice)’, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
08/2010-08/2013: MSc Biologie (Waldökologie & Naturschutz), ‘Mbarara University of Science and Technology’, Mbarara, Uganda.
05/2009-12/2015: Leitender Wissenschaftler
TEAM Network, Bwindi Site, Uganda
08/2004-06/2008: BSc Waldwirtschaft, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.



- Biodiversität
- Kamerfallen
- Naturschutz
- Ökologie
- Habitatdegradation
- Wilderei
- Schutzgebiete

Ausgewählte Publikationen

O'Brien TG, et al. (2019): Camera trapping reveals trends in forest duiker populations in African National Parks. REMOTE SENS ECOL CONSERV. doi:10.1002/rse2.132

Mugerwa B, et al. (2017): Increased foraging success or competitor avoidance? Diel activity of sympatric large carnivores. J MAMMOL 98, 1443-1452. doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyx090

Suraci JP, et al. (2017): A new Automated Behavioural Response system to integrate playback experiments into camera trap studies. METHODS ECOL EVOL 8, 957-964. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12711

Beaudrot L, et al. (2016): Standardized assessment of biodiversity trends in tropical forest protected areas: The end is not in sight. PLOS BIOL 14, e1002357. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002357