Dr. Viktoriia Radchuk
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Abteilung für Evolutionsgenetik
Kurzer Lebenslauf
Hier werden die Projekte eingetragen und verlinkt
- Population dynamics
- Population viability analysis
- Predator-prey interactions
- Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning
- Model complexity: mechanistic versus phenomenological models
Grimm, V., J. Augusiak, A. Focks, B. Frank, F. Gabsi, A. S. Johnston, C. Liu, B. Martin, M. Meli, V. Radchuk, P. Thorbek, and S. Railsback. 2014. Towards better modelling and decision support: documenting model development, testing, and analysis using TRACE. Ecological Modelling 280: 129-139.
Radchuk, V., K. Johst, J. Groeneveld, C. Turlure, V. Grimm, and N. Schtickzelle. 2014. Appropriate resolution in time and model structure for population viability analysis: insights from a butterfly metapopulation. Biological Conservation 169: 345-354.
Pe’er, G., Y.G. Matsinos, K. Johst, K.W. Franz, C. Turlure, V. Radchuk, A.H. Malinowska, J.M.R. Curtis, I. Naujokaitis-Lewis, B. Wintle, and K. Henle. 2013. A protocol for better design, application and communication of population viability analyses. Conservation Biology 27(4): 644-656.
Radchuk, V., K. Johst, J. Groeneveld, V. Grimm, and N. Schtickzelle. 2013. Behind the scenes of population viability modeling: Predicting butterfly metapopulation dynamics under climate change. Ecological Modelling 259:62-73.
Radchuk, V., C. Turlure, and N. Schtickzelle. 2013. Each life stage matters: the importance of assessing the response to climate change over the complete life cycle in butterflies. Journal of Animal Ecology82: 275-285.