Dr. Karin Müller

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Abteilung für Reproduktionsbiologie


Tel: 0049 (0) 30 5168 - 613

Kurzer Lebenslauf

Karin Müller ist seit 2007 Wissenschaftlerin der Abteilung Reproduktionsbiologie. Ihr fachliches Interesse gilt der Reproduktionsbiologie der männlichen Keimzellen sowie der Gefrierkonservierung. Insbesondere die physiologische Rolle von Lipiden und Seminalplasma bei der Befruchtung sind Gegenstand der Forschung.
  • Charakterisierung von Spermatogenese und Spermienfunktion
  • (Kryo-)Konservierung von Spermien und Hodengewebe
  • Analyse der Lipid-Zusammensetzung und -Organisation der Spermienmembranen
  • Interaktion von Spermien, Seminalplasma und weiblichem Genitaltrakt
  • Fluoreszenzmikroskopische Methoden
Ausgewählte Publikationen
  1. Lueders I, Reuken J, Luther I, van der Horst G, Kotze A, Tordiffe A, Sieme H, Jakop U, Mueller K (2024): Effect of age and body condition score on reproductive organ size and sperm parameters in captive male African lion (Panthera leo): suggesting a prime breeding age. THERIOGENOLOGY WILD 5, 100093. doi:10.1016/j.therwi.2024.100093.
  2. Mottaghinia S, Stenzel S, Tsangaras K, Nikolaidis N, Laue M, Müller K, Hölscher H, Löber U, McEwen GK, Donnellan SC, Rowe KC, Aplin KP, Goffinet C, Greenwood AD (2024): A recent gibbon ape leukemia virus germline integration in a rodent from New Guinea. PROC NATL ACAD SCI USA 121, e2220392121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2220392121.
  3. Bashawat M, Braun BC, Müller K, Hermann BP (2023): Molecular phenotyping of domestic cat (Felis catus) testicular cells across postnatal development – a model for wild felids. THERIOGENOLOGY WILD 2, 100031. doi:10.1016/j.therwi.2023.100031.
  4. Braun BC, Müller K (2023): Role of glyoxalase I and II in somatic and spermatogenic testicular cells during the postnatal development of the domestic cat. THERIOGENOLOGY 197, 10–15. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2022.11.028.
  5. Chen J, Lin X, Bhattacharya S, Wiesehöfer C, Wennemuth G, Müller K, Montag D (2023): Neuroplastin expression in male mice is essential for fertility, mating, and adult testosterone levels. INT J MOL SCI 25, 177. doi:10.3390/ijms25010177.
  6. Meindl K, Issler N, Afonso S, Cebrian‐Serrano A, Müller K, Sterner C, Othmen H, Tegtmeier I, Witzgall R, Klootwijk E, Davies B, Kleta R, Warth R (2023): A missense mutation in Ehd1 associated with defective spermatogenesis and male infertility. FRONT CELL DEV BIOL 11, 1240558. doi:10.3389/fcell.2023.1240558.
  7. Müller K, Müller P, Lui F, Kroh PD, Braun BC (2023): Porcine spermadhesin AQN‐3 binds to negatively charged phospholipids. CHEM PHYS LIPIDS 254, 105306. doi:10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2023.105306.
  8. Eder S, Müller K, Chen S, Schön J (2022): Long‐term culture of feline oviduct epithelial cells on permeable filter supports. CYTOTECHNOLOGY 74, 531–538. doi:10.1007/s10616-022-00542-2.
  9. Jakop U, Müller K, Müller P, Neuhauser S, Callealta Rodríguez I, Grunewald S, Schiller J, Engel KM (2022): Seminal lipid profiling and antioxidant capacity: a species comparison. PLOS ONE 17, e0264675. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0264675.
  10. Kroh PD, Braun BC, Lui F, Müller P, Müller K (2022): Boar spermadhesin AWN: Novel insights in its binding behavior and localization on sperm. BIOL REPROD 106, 775–791. doi:10.1093/biolre/ioab244.
  11. Schwarzer‐Sperber HS, Sutter K, Müller K, Müller P, Schwarzer R (2022): The bovine seminal plasma protein PDC‐109 possesses pan‐antiviral activity. VIRUSES-BASEL 14, 2031. doi:10.3390/v14092031.
  12. Bajerski F, Bürger A, Glasmacher B, Keller ERJ, Müller K, Mühldorfer K, Nagel M, Rüdel H, Müller T, Schenkel J, Overmann J (2021): What factors affect the presence of microorganisms in cryotanks? – A culture‐independent approach to assess potential microbial colonization of liquid nitrogen storage tanks. CRYOBIOLOGY 103, 161. doi:10.1016/j.cryobiol.2021.11.020.
  13. Bashawat M, Hensel B, Müller K, Schulze M (2021): Cooled storage of semen from livestock animals (Part II): Camelids, goats, and sheep. ANIM REPROD SCI 234, 106855. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2021.106855.
  14. Diemer J, Hahn J, Goldenbogen B, Müller K, Klipp E (2021): Sperm migration in the genital tract – In silico experiments identify key factors for reproductive success. PLOS COMPUT BIOL 17, e1009109. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009109.
  15. Schulze M, Mohammadpour F, Schröter F, Jakop U, Hönicke H, Hasenfuss T, Henne H, Schön J, Müller K (2021): Suitability of semen stress tests for predicting fertilizing capacity of boar ejaculates. THERIOGENOLOGY 176, 73–81. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2021.09.024.
  16. Bajerski F, Bürger A, Glasmacher B, Keller ERJ, Müller K, Mühldorfer K, Nagel M, Rüdel H, Müller T, Schenkel J, Overmann J (2020): Factors determining microbial colonization of liquid nitrogen storage tanks used for archiving biological samples. APPL MICROBIOL BIOTECHNOL 104, 131–144. doi:10.1007/s00253-019-10242-1.
  17. Bashawat M, Braun BC, Müller K (2020): Cell survival after cryopreservation of dissociated testicular cells from feline species. CRYOBIOLOGY 97, 191–197. doi:10.1016/j.cryobiol.2020.03.001.
  18. Diemer J, Hahn J, Goldenbogen B, Müller K, Klipp E (2020): Sperm migration in the genital tract - in silico experiments identify key factors for reproductive success. BIORXIV. doi:10.1101/2020.03.05.977967.
  19. Eder S, Bailey LD, Müller K (2020): Equilibration in freezing extender alters in vitro sperm-oviduct binding in the domestic cat (Felis catus). THERIOGENOLOGY 149, 79–87. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.03.017.
  20. Engel KM, Jakop U, Müller K, Grunewald S, Paasch U, Schiller J (2020): MALDI MS analysis to investigate the lipid composition of sperm. CURRENT ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 16, 79-91. doi:10.2174/1573411014666181030123256.
  21. Müller K, Eder S, Jakop U, Schiller J, Müller P, Bashawat M (2020): Assisted reproduction for felid species conservation – sperm competences at risk. REPROD DOMEST ANIM 55, 55–60. doi:10.1111/rda.13581.
  22. Schulze M, Jakop U, Schröter F, Herrmann C, Leiding C, Müller K, Jung M, Czirják GÁ (2020): Antibacterial defense in bull and boar semen: a putative link to the microbiome and reproductive strategy? THERIOGENOLOGY 157, 335–340. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.07.033.
  23. Fasel NJ, McMillian K, Jakop U, Mene-Saffrane L, Engel KM, Genoud M, Müller K, Christe P (2019): Modification of sperm fatty acid composition during epididymal maturation in bats. REPRODUCTION 157, 77–85. doi:10.1530/REP-18-0463.
  24. Fernandez-Gonzalez L, Müller K, Jewgenow K, Zahmel J (2019): Felid-gamete-rescue within EAZA – efforts and results in biobanking felid oocytes and sperm. J ZOO AQUAR RES 7, 15–24. doi:10.19227/jzar.v7i1.369.
  25. Jakop U, Svetlichnyy V, Schiller J, Schulze M, Schroeter F, Müller K (2019): In vitro supplementation with unsaturated fatty acids improves boar sperm viability after storage at 6 °C. ANIM REPROD SCI 206, 60–68. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.05.008.
  26. Schulze M, Czirják GÁ, Müller K, Bortfeldt R, Jung M, Jakop U (2019): Antibacterial defense and sperm quality in boar ejaculates. J REPROD IMMUNOL 131, 13–20. doi:10.1016/j.jri.2018.11.001.
  27. Braun BC, Okuyama MW, Müller K, Dehnhard M, Jewgenow K (2018): Steroidogenic enzymes, their products and sex steroid receptors during testis development and spermatogenesis in the domestic cat (Felis catus). J STEROID BIOCHEM MOL BIOL 178, 135–149. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2017.11.013.
  28. Wegener J, Jakop U, Schiller J, Müller K (2018): The membrane phospholipid composition of honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers reflects their nutrition, fertility and vitellogenin stores. INSECT SOC 65, 381–391. doi:10.1007/s00040-018-0623-x.
  29. Engel KM, Schiller J, Müller K, Dannenberger D, Jakop U (2017): The phospholipid composition of kangaroo spermatozoa verified by mass spectrometric lipid analysis. LIPIDS 52, 857–869. doi:10.1007/s11745-017-4283-9.
  30. Luther I, Jakop U, Lueders I, Tordiffe A, Franz C, Schiller J, Kotze A, Müller K (2017): Semen cryopreservation and radical reduction capacity of seminal fluid in captive African lion (Panthera leo). THERIOGENOLOGY 89, 295–304. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.10.024.
  31. Schröter F, Müller K, Müller P, Krause E, Braun BC (2017): Recombinant expression of porcine spermadhesin AWN and its phospholipid interaction: indication for a novel lipid binding property. REPROD DOMEST ANIM 52, 585–595. doi:10.1111/rda.12953.
  32. Sowinska N, Müller K, Niżański W, Jewgenow K (2017): Mitochondrial characteristics in oocytes of the domestic cat (Felis catus) after in vitro maturation and vitrification. REPROD DOMEST ANIM 52, 806–813. doi:10.1111/rda.12982.
  33. Brütsch SH, Rademacher M, Roth SR, Müller K, Eder S, Viertel D, Franz C, Kühn H, Borchert A (2016): Male subfertility induced by heterozygous expression of catalytically inactive glutathione peroxidase 4 is rescued in vivo by systemic inactivation of the Alox15 gene. J BIOL CHEM 291, 23578–23588. doi:10.1074/jbc.M116.738930.
  34. Klaus C, Eder S, Franz C, Müller K (2016): Successful cryopreservation of domestic cat (Felis catus) epididymal sperm after slow equilibration to 15 or 10°C. REPROD DOMEST ANIM 51, 195–203. doi:10.1111/rda.12666.
  35. Schröter F, Jakop U, Teichmann A, Haralampiev I, Tannert A, Wiesner B, Müller P, Müller K (2016): Lipid dynamics in boar sperm studied by advanced fluorescence imaging techniques. EUR BIOPHYS J BIOPHYS LETT 45, 149–163. doi:10.1007/s00249-015-1084-z.
  36. Schulze M, Dathe M, Waberski D, Müller K (2016): Liquid storage of boar semen: Current and future perspectives on the use of cationic antimicrobial peptides to replace antibiotics in semen extenders. THERIOGENOLOGY 85, 39–46. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.07.016.
  37. Tannert A, Otto S, Hoerold J, Jewgenow K, Mueller K (2016): Ultrasound-assisted cryopreservation of gametes. IIR International Workshop Cold Applications in Life Sciences, 08.–09.09.2016, Dresden, Germany, ID: 012. doi: 10.18462/iir.cals.2016.0012.
  38. Braun BC, Müller K, Jewgenow K (2015): Expression profiles of relaxin family peptides and their receptors indicate their influence on spermatogenesis in the domestic cat (Felis catus). DOMEST ANIM ENDOCRINOL 52, 25–34. doi:10.1016/j.domaniend.2015.01.005.
  39. Henry F, Eder S, Reynaud K, Schön J, Wibbelt G, Fontbonne A, Müller K (2015): Seminal fluid promotes in vitro sperm-oviduct binding in the domestic cat (Felis catus). THERIOGENOLOGY 83, 1373–1380. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.01.031.
  40. Schulze M, Grobbel M, Müller K, Junkes C, Dathe M, Rüdiger K, Jung M (2015): Challenges and limits using antimicrobial peptides in boar semen preservation. REPROD DOMEST ANIM 50, Suppl 2:5-10. doi:10.1111/rda.12553.
  41. Lüders I, Ludwig C, Schröder M, Müller K, Zahmel J, Dehnhard M (2014): Successful non-surgical artificial insemination and hormonal monitoring in an Asiatic golden cat (Catopuma temmincki). J ZOO WILDL MED 45, 372–379. doi:10.1638/2013-0269r.1.
  42. Müller K, Koster S, Painer J, Söderberg A, Gavier-Widèn D, Dehnhard M, Jewgenow K (2014): Testosterone production and spermatogenesis in free-ranging Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) throughout the year. EUR J WILDL RES 60, 569–577. doi:10.1007/s10344-014-0821-4.
  43. Pyttel S, Nimptsch A, Böttger J, Zschörnig K, Jakop U, Wegener J, Müller K, Paasch U, Schiller J (2014): Changes of murine sperm phospholipid composition during epididymal maturation determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. THERIOGENOLOGY 82, 396–402. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.04.017.
  44. Schulze M, Junkes C, Müller P, Speck S, Rüdiger K, Dathe M, Müller K (2014): Are cationic antimicrobial peptides an alternative for conventional antibiotics in boar semen preservation? Effects of antimicrobial peptides on liquid-preserved boar spermatozoa. PLOS ONE 9, e100490. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100490.
  45. Speck S, Courtiol A, Junkes C, Dathe M, Müller K, Schulze M (2014): Cationic synthetic peptides: assessment of their antimicrobial potency in liquid preserved boar semen. PLOS ONE 9, e105949. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105949.
  46. Svetlichnyy V, Müller P, Pomorski TG, Schulze M, Schiller J, Müller K (2014): Metabolic incorporation of unsaturated fatty acids into boar spermatozoa lipids and de novo formation of diacylglycerols. CHEM PHYS LIPIDS 177, 41–50. doi:10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2013.11.001.
  47. Nimptsch A, Fuchs B, Süß R, Zschörnig K, Jakop U, Göritz F, Schiller J, Müller K (2013): A simple method to identify ether lipids in spermatozoa samples by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. ANAL BIOANAL CHEM 405, 6675–6682. doi:10.1007/s00216-013-7147-z.
  48. Schulze M, Ruediger K, Müller K, Jung M, Well C, Reissmann M (2013): Development of an in vitro index to characterize fertilizing capacity of boar ejaculates. ANIM REPROD SCI 140, 70–76. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2013.05.012.
  49. Simon P, Bäumner S, Busch O, Röhrich R, Kaese M, Richterich P, Wehrend A, Müller K, Gerardy-Schahn R, Mühlenhoff M, Geyer H, Geyer R, Middendorff R, Galuska SP (2013): Polysialic acid is present in mammalian semen as a post-translational modification of NCAM and the polysialyltransferase ST8SiaII. J BIOL CHEM 228, 18825–18833. doi:10.1074/jbc.M113.451112.
  50. Wegener J, Bresler K, Teuber K, Fuchs B, Schiller J, Müller K (2013): Conservation of honey bee (Apis mellifera) sperm phospholipids during storage in the bee queen – a TLC/MALDI-TOF MS Study. EXP GERONTOL 48, 213–222. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2012.12.009.